Email Separator Online

Use Email Separator to avoid sending messages to invalid email list or unfiltered list.

Free Email Tools






What is Email Separator Online

Email Separator also known as Email Splitter is a tool or web application that allows the users to separate email addresses into separate groups. The email separator software sorts out the emails according to their domains. Then within the domains, the email addresses are further sorted out in alphabetical order.

How does an Email Separator Online Works?

Email separator online works in dual ways meaning that it can strip out the email addresses into one easily usable list and it can also extract email leads. Another way is that you can copy a text, website, or it can be from a source and paste it into an email separator online software.

First of all, the separator would extract the emails from the text, and then it would strip out the emails into a list according to their domains. It is effortless to make use of an email separator online. All you have to do is just copy out the source code of a webpage that contains emails and paste it into the email separator.

The next thing that you will do is select the domain and then click split. For example, if you want to separate the Gmail emails. So you have to select Gmail, which is the domain and then you click on 'split', and you will have a list of the Gmail emails that are on the webpage. You can further arrange the list to come up alphabetically for your own ease and convenience.

Advantages of using Email Separator Online

There are several advantages of using an email separator online Some of them are as follows;

1: The most obvious advantage here is that it makes your life easier. If you are the person who has to send out hundreds or thousands of emails daily, then you would have to know the pain of extracting email leads from a long list. Whereas using the email separator online tool has now made the job to become more comfortable, and you can have a separate list of emails that can be used whenever they are required.

2: Regular Email Separator software is costly and adds an extra burden on your budget, but using an email id separator online is using freeware software. It means everyone has open access to use this software and they can download it online for free.

3: An Email Separator online tool is a software tool that's always on your browser, so it would not occupy any space on your computer. This kind of software is potent and can extract and separate the emails within minutes and do not take too long. And it can also support multi-threaded page loading.

4: This software not only separates the email addresses from a list but can also extract emails from texts or source codes and then separates email addresses from a text or from a website, search engines, and local files, etc.

Features and Benefits Of Email Separator Software:

These are the features and benefits of Email Separator Online Software:

1. Sort Emails Alphabetically

2. Separate Emails by Comma

3. Separate Email by Pipe

4. Separate Email by Colon

5. Separate Email by New Line

6. Separate Email by Other (enter preferred string)

7. Group Email Addresses

8. Extract Emails by domain

9. Split or Filter Emails by domain

10. Split or Filter Emails by domain

11. Split or Filter Emails by domain

12. Split or Filter Emails by domain other (enter preferred domain)

13. Highlight All Emails

14. Copy All Email Addresses

15. Reset Email Addresses

16. Email Counter

17. Splitted emails window text area

18. Paste email window area

What is the Best Low-Cost Email Marketing Tool?

Email marketing is the act of sending out commercial email messages to your email subscribers who have previously signed up to receive your messages and given you their express permission to receive email communications from you. Email marketing can used for follow up on products, send alerts, talk about new release, drive sales, and build a community around your brand.

Modern email marketing practise has moved from one-size-fits-all bulk mailings and is instead now focused on consent, segmentation, and user personalization. Are you on the hunt for a list of some of the cheapest email marketing software to use when running your campaigns without needing to take out a second mortgage?

If that is it, here is our 5 best low-cost email marketing tool:

1. Sendinblue (

First of all, Sendinblue is a fairly well-known name in the email marketing space. This is a full-featured email marketing platform that offers a range of tools to help you to create, send, and optimize your email campaigns. It also comes along a generous free tier, along with several easily affordably priced monthly plans to select from.

As one of the cheapest email marketing software tools that are out there, Sendinblue''s key selling point is its scalability. If you are looking to try out an email campaign or two without having to invest a ton of resources, you can start out on the free plan and work your way up as required. Plus, the fact that you can attend to an unlimited number of subscribers is awesome.

This service also makes email marketing to be a very streamlined affair, with many templates and workflows to help get you up and running in a breeze. The deliverability rates of Sendinblue are also great across the board for different campaign sizes that you'd be running.

2. Cakemail (

For small business owners, it can be a smart thing to look for an email marketing tool that is designed for companies just like yours. This is exactly what Cakemail is. It is a tool that is built with the needs of small businesses firmly in mind.

It helps to provide some useful and time-saving features and it is one of the cheapest email marketing software choices that are out there. Each plan allows you to send out an unlimited number of emails and it includes all of the platform's features. There is also a free 30-day trial if you just want to give the service a test run.

If you are looking for a simple and streamlined option, Cakemail can be an excellent choice for you. While it lacks some of the email automation features that more elaborate services offer, it helps to make the managing of your email list and creating email campaigns to be simple and painless. It is a solid option for small businesses that do not need advanced features for lead generation, but only want to pick recipients, add subject lines, write their message, and then hit send.

3. MailerLite (

While MailerLite is one of the cheapest email marketing software tools you can find out there, it still manages to offer a well comprehensive package. This service helps you throughout every step of your email marketing campaigns, including crafting and sending emails and designing certain landing pages for interested recipients.

All in all, MailerLite is one of the best and feature-rich options that are available out there to users. It offers lots of help with creating your emails, managing your list, and automating your Email campaigns while keeping the cost very low. There are also email marketing tools and webinars to educate you on some aspects of the trade.

In addition, It is a particularly strong choice if you are also looking for a tool to help you design pop-ups on your site to attract subscribers, as well as designing landing pages where you can send those who open up your emails. This makes it a to be a great option for bloggers.

4. SendGrid (

Some of the tools that we have introduced so far focused mostly on making email marketing a streamlined and simple process. SendGrid, on the other hand, is the perfect choice if what you are looking for is to get as much control over the emailing process as possible. It offers you a lot of customization and tweaking, both in your personal emails and in your campaign emails as a whole.

While SendGrid is one of the cheapest email marketing software tools, it can still get pricey if you have a lot of contacts that you want to mail to. However, it is ideal for smaller businesses and startups that are not required to send out a lot of emails but do want access to a ton of features and customization options. SendGrid also offers a custom API and good customer support, therefore making it a solid choice for developers.

5. Sendy (

Last but not least, let us look at an option that is quite different from our previous email marketing service providers in the list above. Most email marketing solutions, including all four on this list so far, are software as a service (SaaS) tools that require you to pay a monthly fee for as long as you want to make use of their service.

Sendy, on the other hand, is a self-hosted application that you can install on your own server (this is very much like WordPress). It then lets you send emails by using Amazon's cloud-based Simple Email Service (SES). Over the long term, Sendy is the cheapest email marketing software that is our list, which makes it to be the best budget-conscious choice, especially if you need to send out bulk emails.

It also offers users a great deal of control and flexibility, since you can use the software however you like, and you are not beholden to a particular service. However, this is the least beginner-friendly option and it can take a little work to get up and running. Therefore, you may need someone on hand with the technical skills to get Sendy up and running

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